I'm shooting a little webisode pilot I wrote with a mate. Even though it's a no budget thing, we wanted to look after the crew with snacks and drinks. That was my responsibility. I brought a bit of instant coffee, tea bags, blah blah. I also brought a kettle. In the break, one of the actors, a really nice guy, American, was inspecting the aforementioned item. He was very curious.
I asked if he was OK. "Yeah", He said, "I've just never seen a coffee maker like this before"....
I'd been told before that most Yanks don't have kettles in their kitchens. When I was heard this, I was like, "but... but... how do you boil water?". "In a pot... or the microwave".
In the what?! That's insane. That's like using a nuclear bomb to did a hole. I bought the kettle in America, at Target. In a country that created iPads and motorbikes, "LASERS" and toilet paper, I was surprised that this basic technology was so uncommon.
Ha ha ha! really?! that's so funny!